Fermain Valley Hotel wedding

May 22, 2019

I received a phone call a couple of weeks before Amanda and Ian were due to get married and, after some confusion, I came to realise this wasn't a Guernsey wedding but more of a honeymoon / engagement / wedding session mash up!

Not having met the couple and having only spoken to them over the phone a couple of times, plus arranging dates and times by message, didn't give me much to work with. So, I didn't actually meet them until the day of the shoot, had no idea what they like doing together, what their style is or what sort of people they are as a couple. They didn't book a photographer for the 'big day', so I really didn't know what they where expecting.

Anyway, despite my concerns, it turned out that none of this mattered! We all had a great, instant connection and these photos were going to take place no matter what - unusually and refreshingly, I had a blank canvas to work with!

Amanda and Ian were arriving in Guernsey the day after their wedding, bringing the dress and suit and staying for the Easter weekend Bank Holiday and it turned out they couldn't have picked a better weekend; it was a beauty.

Thanks to The Fermain Valley Hotel for their amazing input in helping the couple get ready with make-up, hair, flowers and dress. They also recommended their new Yoga House for a few photos which turned out to be a stunning location.

And we couldn't pass up the opportunity of utilising a fully-blooming Bluebell Woods with it being so close and the perfect location for this time of year.  Heading out of Bluebell Woods I realised we weren't going to make it on time for the sunset at Pleinmont, so a last minute decision to go to the cliffs at Petit Port turned out to be a great move, as you can see!


Amanda & Ian 190421001Fermain Valley Hotel yoga Garden

Amanda & Ian 190421004Fermain Valley Hotel yoga Garden 2

Amanda & Ian 190421007Fermain Valley Hotel yoga Garden 3

Amanda & Ian 190421010Fermain Valley Hotel yoga Garden 4

Amanda & Ian 190421011Fermain Valley Hotel yoga Garden 5 Amanda & Ian 190421012Wedding Ring

Amanda & Ian 190421013Bluebell Woods

Amanda & Ian 190421016Bluebell woods 2 Amanda & Ian 190421019Bluebell woods 3 Amanda & Ian 190421021Petit Port

Amanda & Ian 190421024Petit Port 2

Amanda & Ian 190421025Petit Port 3 Amanda & Ian 190421031Petit Port 4 Amanda & Ian 190421032Petit Port 5 Amanda & Ian 190421034Petit Port 6 Amanda & Ian 190421036Petit Port 7 Amanda & Ian 190421038Fermain Valley Hotel yoga Garden Night

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